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Meet Vito Mucci: Our Guide to Emotional Expression & Healing

I am a shaman and psychological theorist, living with bipolar disorder, social anxiety and PTSD. I have found over time that recognizing and processing emotion is the most important skill that no one is taught, and I have dedicated my life to bringing it into the mainstream. I have written two books, both self-published, based on theories I have been developing and tracking for years about the nature of consciousness and the raw truths about relationships (Both available on Amazon ... Coffee for Consciousness 101: The Application of Perspective to Reality and Party of 2: Path to Union). Most importantly, I am stepfather to two amazing boys, who belong to the love of my life.

I was raised as a shaman by a generation of my family that included a Licensed Therapist and Professor of Psychology (Mother), a Logician/Statistician (Father), Medical Doctor/Naturopath/Homeopath (Uncle), and a Channel/Medium (Aunt). Apprenticing in each area of study was my life's focus (along with the everyday American lifestyle for kids of the 80s). I suffered from traumatic fear and anxiety in my youth multiple times as my cherished older brother dealt with health issues. That would pave the way for the development of my PTSD. As my abilities, knowledge, and consciousness grew, so did my inability to handle everyday life, and with that came multiple addictions and emotional instability. I was diagnosed bipolar at 26, and spent 3 more years in suicidal seclusion before finally being diagnosed with PTSD. The treatments, along with the development of my theoretic focus on processing emotion, helped me pull out of addiction and depression, as well as giving me the tools I needed to be able to function as a bipolar with anxiety and PTSD.

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"Vito will be bringing us a column about emotional expression and healing based on his life's work. I'm honored and exited to have him on our team of contributors." ~Wendy Rae, Publisher and Editor in Chief of Our Soul Oasis.


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